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Never Forget Me EP was the first ever thing I released and it is one of my proudest achinvements because, I was very hesitant about people hearing my music and personally being scared that people would hate it and who be mean to me. After I released the first song Move On, on October, 5th 2016 I had a really good feedback and a lot of people were giving me compliments and thats what provoked me to release the EP on Soundcloud and Youtube for Free.

I wouldn't change what I did for the world I love the song they all have meaning to things in my life I have experienced. Honestly if I had to pick a favourite song I would pick Move On because it was my first release, its has a personal meaning to me, as well as being my best written song.


I Love every song on the EP as they all have special meanings to my heart, and are all past experiences. I Know I'm Probably being biased towards my work, but I am my worst critic. 


I would like to thank Bernard Whitworth, Charlotte Tupper, Dylan O'Sullivan and finally my family as without their love and support I might not be doing what I love. But also obviously there are some inspirations like my biggest inspiration TOM ODELL and DAMIEN RICE their music has inspired me.

Thank You 

GB xxxx 

? "Question Mark"


This is ? my first ever album, I spent the whole of 2016 writing and planning out how the album would flow like a story. Each song has an emotional meaning to me from Thinking of You to Never Forget Me. On February, 25th 2017 I officially finished all recording on song which meant the album was finished. The next stage was seeing if anyone would allow me to publish the album, lucky a company called Tune Core allowed me to publish it and I'm so grateful for their help. 

Writing the song was difficult due to the situations that caused me to write them but I am proud of myself for managing to get to release this album.


The reason it is called ? is because of me questioning the meaning of love after all these experiences of bad relationships in my past, and in 2016 I questioned whether I wanted to love again thats why its named ?. The Album follows a story of my happiness to sadness back to happiness again. Its a very typical acoustic love song album for teenage girls to eat ice-cream and to cry to.


I am proud of the album and I wouldn't change it I feel at that moment in time I was still and still learning how to write great music and the way to do that is to be honest with the lyric and yourself. Thank You to Tune Core for publishing my album and to my friends and family for listening and giving me advice as well as compliments.



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