Lighting & Camera Techniques
In our lesson with today with Pat Higgins, our lecture, we used a doll and tried cheap and cool ways of creating budget lighting. We done this by using little one pound head torches and used them to create, Lead light, Fill light and Back light.
I was very sceptical about adventuring into this task. But after trying this task it felt a bit fun playing about with the different types of camera shots and lighting techniques.
The good shots were Film Noir, Comedy, and Mainstream Horror. The reason behind this decision is due to the shots actually resembling the example shots.
I believe with more time I could have created something even better, but we had a time limit and we had to stick to that time. I reckon the Silhouette. Furthermore The bright blue LED didn't show the comedy right as it would have been better with a more orangey glow.
But... I enjoyed the task and being allowed to learn new techniques that may help future college projects.
George Bartley, Chelmsford College, Film & TV

Mainstream Horror
The lighting in mainstream horror usually has the light shining upwards upon the characters face, this give the character a sinister appearance.

Dario Argento
This style of lighting is the use of RED and BLUE and its usually used in film director and screen writer Dario Argento. Argento usually displays his characters with coloured lighting filters mainly consisting of red and blue but this doesn't happen in all
his films.

Film Noir
Film Noir is effectively black and white and is a term used in Film & TV for crime and thriller shows and films. Most of this genre is filmed in black and white. Noir is the french word for black which is where the black and white kicks in.
Also the lighting is very dark giving it the erie sense.

This genres use of lighting is making sure there are no shadows so the use back lighting, primary lighting and secondary lighting making sure every place is lit, giving the comedy its bubbly laughable nature.

A silhouette is something like a animal, human or an object represented as a solid object.