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Evaluating The Effectiveness of My Website

Website Before Improvements

My class mate Queenie overlooked my website and produced some improvements and what is really bad about my website. The website was made during late October early November when my class and I started the course officially. When I initially created the website it was intended for college blogs and videos as well as my music but mainly for my college portfolio.

When I finished the website I felt it was the best I could do at the time but as time moves on you realise you can do some much more to the website. So now I look at it I want to improve it which is what is going to happen. I feel looking at it now it needs a massive improvement which I am willing to start as soon as possible. Reason being what if employers have been looking at my website needing a you creative individual to join them, and my website was to dark and not well presented I would have lost out on something big.

Queenie showed me my website doesn't have a video page which is big for my college work, reason its big is that's one of the bases for my portfolio. Also she said there is a lot of blank spaces that either need to be deleted, or add some important content that employers and viewers want to see about me. Furthermore, she also feels the page is dark and not colourful, now she has mentioned it I have come to realise that yes it is very dark and needs a colour lift.

From this situation it has helped me to open my eyes more because there could be a massive problem hiding in the smallest word, and that could mean the difference to getting the job and loosing the job. When I initially created the website I used pictures of myself obviously to show people who I am and what I look like, I've come to realise that its not appealing as its not bright as well Queenie mentioned this as well.

I can conclude that my website needs some serious work to make it perfect, and to a standard where viewers enjoy reading my website and interacting with its features. Furthermore I have been struggling to make improvements as the way it has been set up means its difficult to change the way the website works, so I will try and make a brand new site that is easily editable and assessable. I will also incorporate bright colours and dedicate more of my website to college work by creating a section in the menu bar that makes viewers to my college videos and blogs.

So to improve I shall create a brand new website that will be more colourful, using the colour orange to brighten the website up and to catch the eyes of viewers. Also I will incorporate a page dedicated to my college videos, this is so people don't have to search in YouTube and spend a long time typing the names in when they can click a video on my website. Also I will be updating my contact information making sure that no information like my mobile number and address are on the website for people to exploit my information.

Website after Improvements

During this assignment I was given the task of improving my WIX website. To do this was given improvements to make by class mates and anyone we could get to review and assess my website. I decided I would act on my feedback from my original website thats I made at the start of the course. Kindly Queenie gave me some comments for improvements so I took the action of starting a band new website from scratch, this was to make sure everything was perfect. I have completed the website and the link will be below. Furthermore making the website took some time because WIX kept crashing so I had to keep starting over again, also the save button didn't work from time to time which made it difficult.

I felt good about this task I had a rough idea about what the new site would look like how the dynamics would flow and what would be prioritised, which is my college work. I was thinking about how would the viewers eye be caught by my site, this came back to my evaluation on Improvements and the colour scheme was very dull dark. This made me come to the decision to use bright stand our colours which I used Bright Orange, Black and White. I choose these colours because orange is a stand out colour and black and white are very noticeable on it.

My New Colour Scheme

The things I thought were bad is the page dedicated to my music it is very messy, and is all crammed into one area of the page. It needs to be spread out more so everything is able to fit and be seen clearly. Also I feel my video page is too basic and not creative enough but at the moment it does the job perfectly. The good things about my new site are the brand new colour scheme I think it looks a lot more appealing and professional than it use to be. The way everything has its own page dictated to make the site cleaner and more appealing. It makes it more appealing because it not messy and full of clutter so the site looks more professional. When I had the picture on the back of the text it was hard to see and it was messy, but now with the bold colour it stands out.

Music Page

To be perfectly honest I feel I could have done a lot more to my site, reason being there are some blank areas that need filling and they will be through out the rest of this course. Also my music page could have had links thats go to separate. Harry Burfield said my college page needs work and that my blog still has template images. I agree after giving it a quick look and I will change this, so my page looks more professional. In addition I have these white bars at the bottom of some of the pages and these should be disposed of, I will also make sure thats these errors are sorted with. I made sure my Bio page was more appealing and looked professional, I added links to the photographer of my head shots and

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