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Trailer Comparisons

Today in Pats lesson we have been listening and watching Film Trailers with sound no visuals, visuals and no sound and Both but to together. It was a very fun experience trying to pick out certain sounds that describe the visual perception and genre of the film. Furthermore, when we could only see the visuals and no sound it made the trailer look odd and awkward, but most of them you could easily fit what genre and style the film was just from the lighting.

John Wicks 2

In the first trailer which was 'John Wicks Chapter 2' I noticed when only hearing the sound you can hear the little noises in the background become more noticeable and important to what the visuals can become. At the start of the trailer it is very heavy on the bass, but it gives and effect of a major and minor effect. This is because it is introducing the plot to then film. (0:00 - 0:07) This then helps create the thriller and action type visuals. The music during the mid point uses a Major key this gives the timbre a warm effect. The song is very upbeat and has a dance feel to it. The music crescendos at this point with the hiphop style music and the Major feel to the song bringing the action together. Also the explosions and gun shots helps us tell what genre the film fits into and gives us a imaginary image of what the film could look like. When we saw its visuals and not the sound, you could tell its an action film because of the explosions and action scene in the trailer. Furthermore it was a very graphical trailer with blood, explosions and fight scenes setting its genre and its excitement.

The Cure For Wellness

When my class and I listened to the second trailers audio we could hear that the soundtrack and dialogue sets the atmosphere of and settings of the scenes. It was a very minor mood it was a very dark bass note through the opening 27 seconds. The Timbre gives us the feel of a dark and sinister feel. (0:00 - 0:27) This is also because the sound track becomes more impacting through the visuals not being prominent. Also the repetition of the words 'The Cure' tells us that someone or something is searching for a cure but is struggling. When we saw the visuals and no audio it started off quite nice well lit rooms and visually striking with shot types in nature areas. When we get to the 31 seconds mark the minor piano chords come in and create a dark and eerie backing track, this audio could be hinting the sort of film it is and its sinister storyline.(0:31 - 1:07) When we got into the half-way point the films meaning came into play with darker and sinister scenes coming into play, with a girl in a bath tub full of slugs and a dead baby in a jar being preserved. Its genre defiantly came into play, I felt its genre was a Thriller. I felt it was thriller because when the visuals and audio were put together it wasn't full of jump scares and its scenes didn't have a dark colour pallet. As we get near the end of the trailer I could hear an Orchestra, with double bass, guitars, violins and Tuba coming into the play of the music. This creates a Timbre feel of that something is going on and making the trailer more forbidding, as well as the drums in the track making it foreboding and giving a feel of unanswered questions. (1:37 - 2:44)

The Conjuring 2

As we moved onto the third film trailer which was 'Conjuring 2' we found the soundtrack described the film trailer instantly. This is because the music sound was eerie , gloomy and dark, so immediately I thought of horror. When the trailer started it started with a choir singing in a low monotone, it gave an instant feel of horror. Furthermore it was a deep minor tone it was sad and quite Whispers in the background gives it a sinister approach as well as the crescendo which indicates something is going to happen. Also the dialogue explains the setting and the setting of the film. A lot of the locations were signified by the use of sound such as TV static noises also when Hymn started happening and you could say it was in a church. When watching the visual the colour pallet was dark, gloomy so this was indicating to me a horror film. Also the opening scene of the camera spinning and focusing on the cassette-player, this spinning action can cause dizziness which is a cool shot to have and is usually used in horror films. Furthermore this shot was zooming in which gives it a corkscrew effect as its spinning its zooming in. There was a lot of fast cutting shots used to create dramatic effect during action and scary scenes.

Lars and The Real Girl

Lastly the fouth trailer was the film 'Lars and the Real Girl' when listening to the audio my group and I were very confused we had no idea what was going on as the dialogue jumped but it was more noticeable. When this trailer started you can hear the violin its a major sound very cheerful and happy. This type of beat is through out the whole trailer. (0:00 - 2:22) There is a crescendo as the music is upping in volume. This creates a cheerful effect towards the audience. This beat also ever so slight accelerando. The music in the background was a lot more upbeat and jolly it also felt comedic. When listing you couldn't really imagine the visuals for the film and the frequent long pauses didn't help that I made me loose track of who was talking and what they were talking about. When my class and I watched the visuals with no audio it was very confusing, it was very funny seeing Ryan Gosling carrying a sex doll around thinking it was his girlfriend but it was very confusing. Although the scenes were nicely lit and well staged. Overall with the visuals and audio the trailer is more understandable and funny as its meant to be, but with out them its not as notciable as the first three trailers.

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