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Suspense in Films

Today with Thom we finished off our work to do with creating suspense.

Here is the final piece:

Today we went out and filmed a video to do with creating suspense. It was enjoyable and I believe we created an effective piece.

I felt that the video defiantly created suspense and I felt the camera angles we perfect in creating what I needed. Furthermore, the music I used was a heart beat sound track and this added even more drama and thrill to the video, creating a edge of seat moment.

I believe the things that were good was the acting, the music, the composition and some camera shots. My reasons for this are, I love the use of the Dutch Tilt, Extreme Long Shot and Close-ups

Watch The Video:

My Shots

(apologies for not cropping the sides.)

This over the shoulder shot is one of the most effective camera shots I used. It is showing me looking trough the window of the door in a creepy but sinister way. I used it to create a deal of tension and I believe it worked.

This is a Dutch Tilt I used to show that the character is uneasy and mentally unstable also to create a feeling of Tension and Suspense. I was really happy with this shot, because it really does look good.

We used and Extreme Long Shot to create a deal of Tension, Suspense and Scarce. Also it helped create a lot of negative space and it worked.

We used a Close up to get into the face of the character and show his emotions. This did help create some tension and a scary feel to the video but overall the shot needed a little work with not looking directly down the barrel.

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