Wes Anderson Research

Wes Anderson
Born: Huston, Texas on 1st May 1969
Education: University of Texas at Austin
Wes Anderson is known for his use of the Symmetry Shot, he uses it a lot. Also he uses Snap-Zoom and a lot of slow-motion walking shots. He uses it as it give great detail into characters as its shows there frontal posture. He mainly directs and writes fast paced comedies that cover melancholic elements, Parental Abandonment, Adultery and loss of innocence, so quite sinister. Furthermore, Anderson uses a lot of bright colours in his films and those brightly coloured scenes are usually rich in symmetry. The film ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ is a film rich in colours and symmetry a lot of symmetry.
Also he has a lot of collaborations and mainly the fact he has worked with Owen Wilson on a number of occasions and they have collaborated on Rushmore and Bottle Rocket. He has also worked with Noah Baumbach on three films on of them being Fantastic Mr. Fox.
The work of Wes Andersons Symmetry
Wes Anderson style video done during my class