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Stanley Kubrick Research

Stanley Kubrick

Lived: 26 Jul 1928 - 07 Mar 1999 (age 70)

Kubrick was an American film director and was clearly on of the most talented, crazy and influential film directors of all time. Stanley Kubrick has a ridiculously high IQ and that IQ he can out smart again and again, he was incredibly smart and this is shown in his work.

The way his films were shot was incredible and ludicrously insane. His film The Shining has come under intense controversies some of these include, His apology for faking the moon landings and The Holocaust, they are ludicrous but very interesting. The most interesting is faking the moon landing.

“The US government allegedly hired Stanley Kubrick, who’d directed 2001: A Space Odyssey the previous year, to fake film of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon. The Shining contains Kubrick’s coded apology. There are piles of Tang, the powdered fruit drink used on space flights, visible in the pantry. Danny wears an Apollo 11 jumper. Room 237 is a reference to the distance between Earth and the moon: 237,000 miles. When Jack types “All work and no play…”, the first word looks like “A11” or Apollo 11. The twins represent NASA’s Gemini space programme. Finally, Jack’s rant at Wendy when she wants to leave represents Kubrick arguing with his own wife about his deception: "Does it matter to you at all that the owners have placed their complete confidence and trust in me, and that I have signed a contract in which I have accepted that responsibility?”

(Link for the Quote above)

Kubrick is widely famous for using shots like One Point Perspective, Beginning Middle and End which is where you see one person far away, one person closer and the last person you can barely see. We can see these in his films A Clock Work Orange. All of these styles give his the title Auteur. What also makes him an Auteur is his choice of music mainly classical like Beethoven and Mozart. Furthermore he had constant collaborations with Peter Sellers who was in Dr Strangelove and Lolita, also he has collaborated with Jack Nicholson a few times in films such as, The Shining and finally Kirk Douglas who has been in The Killing and Spartacus.

Overall I believe he was a fantastic Director and Screen Writer although people called him mad he was talented and is an inspiration for many aspiring directors and screen writers to come.

Stanley Kubrick One Point Perspective

My Video in style of Stanley Kubrick (One Point Perspective)

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