Extended Auteur Research & Primary and Secondary Research Comparisons

J.J Abrams
Born: June 27, 1966 (age 50), New York City, New York, United States
Primary Research
J.J Abrams is currently on top in directing and screen writing at the moment, with a busy schedule all the time and directing and writing big films such as Super 8, Star Wars The Forced Awaken and the 3 new Star Trek films. He has been a part of some really big box office HITS. Star Wars The Force Awakens is J.J Abrams hit films with a Box Office extravaganza of $2,068,223,624 which is outstanding and is the 3 hit film of all time.
Abrams has a large body of work from Star Wars, Star Trek to Super 8 he has been apart of some trying stunning visual films. When Cloverfield was released it was unique not many found footage films have been made and J.J Abrams took this into his own hands and created Cloverfield. I can safely back up that he has a film related to others of his films due to the Star Trek Trilogy and The Cloverfield films.
J.J Abrams is very famous for using lens flares but came under massive criticism because of it. When the first re-instalment into the Star Trek Sequel he used so much lens flare that audience complained. He used an astonishing 721 Lens Flares in Star Trek Into Darkness. Abrams comments on his visual style and using lens flare which he admits saying "The Obvious sort of joke is I overuse lens flares." Personally I like the lens flare it gives him his own style to other screen writers and directors it his own personal mark into the film and films to come. I felt his instalment into the Star Wars series was too much like George Lucas and he should have put his own spin to it like lens flares. In an interview with "Stephen Colbert's Late Late Show With Stephen Colbert" Abrams States that "There was literally one scene in Star Trek Into Darkness where you can't see anything" he added before this it was mentioned that "Wife made him lay off the lens flares."

I took a poll on Facebook to ask weather J.J Abram's best visual style, either Lens Flare or Dutch Tilt. My finding conclude that 3 out of 4 people enjoy his Lens Flare rather than the Dutch Tilt which received only 1 vote.

He like to use the Dolly-Zoom, which is used to create something unusual to visual perception. Shaky Cam this style shot is where usual camera techniques are purposely dispensed. Also he uses Snap Zoom, this is where the cameras zoom is quickly zoomed in to add effect, this affect he has used in his Star Trek films when a battle or fight scene is in progress. Abrams always manages to create a beautifully composed Canted Camera Angles they aren't appealing to the eye but Abrams aces them all the time.

As well as being a Producer, Director and Screen Writer he has also been an actor in films such as five films, including a voice cameo in Star Wars The Force Awakens and Doug in the film Six Degrees of Separation. Also he its a musical composer he has done the theme songs for Person of Interest and Alcatraz. This shows how much of a work ethic he has and how flexible in the industry he is. In the book 'J.J Abrams - A Study in Genius' its states "Abrams first Hollywood gig happened when he was sixteen years old and still and english student and Sarah Lawrence College on the east coast. He was offered the job of writing music for cult director Don Dohler's Film." The writer of this book is 'Neil Daniel'
In my opinion I love Abrams work its unique and is in his own visual style and thats what is so appealing to his work. A film like cloverfield entirely shot in first person, which is incredible it puts you the perspective of the character and what they are going through and that is what J.J Abrams and his team done with that film. The shots were in long takes so it must have been incredibly hard to film and its incredible how they managed to do it. Furthermore i highly recommend J.J Abrams as a director and screen writer because he is so talented and is deserved of his success. I love the lens flare he uses and his visual perception toward making movies is stunning.

I watched film and interviews to grab my secondary research from youtube and films such as Star Trek & Star Trek Into Darkness, also Cloverfield as well as Star Wars The Force Awakens.
Primary & Secondary Research Comparison
Primary research is very valuable as an opinion of observations. We use primary research by asking people to fill out questionnaires and ask them for personal opinions on film and books also people. We use Primary research to answer specific issue or questions with individual small groups. Also Primary Research is brand new research to an unanswered questions or problems to be solved. We don't just use these examples and place them as example we can add the in a visual graphs and charts to show statistic. Using closed questions, Yes or No, gives us a great resource because we can interpret it into visual graphs. This is great because it shows percentages of people who might believe Christopher Nolan is a better Director and Screen Writer to Quentin Tarantino. We do this by asking the public creating polls on Facebook and Twitter or giving out questionnaire to fill out. We can ask people for direct comments about a topic or person and directly quote that for an opinion to create primary research. This is helpful as it gives us an in site into what other people think of different topics.
Secondary research is valuable in a way it is previously searched information used for finding out information about a topic or person via Books, Magazines and the Internet. This type of researching method can also be used to include scientific reports produced by medical councils, universities or government, for example, the Royal College of Physicians, the British Heart Foundation and the Department of Health. Secondary research is very valuable as is Primary but trusting secondary research can be hard unless is by a well known established site or writer. Also when using books to research we can take in to consideration that they have been through so many editors to make sure all research and quotes are historically and accurately correct. This is why when conducting secondary research its is valuable to use books as you know they are correct because how long they go through to be published and how everything has been edited to be correct. Furthermore, the amount of legal teams the books have to go through so they can correct statistics and read through so they don't have to sue the writer for false comment and information given to the public.