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FILM NOIR (Genre Playground) 001

Film Noir

  • A term given to Film Noir is meaning Black Film.

  • This style uses low key lighting.

  • The first Film Noir film was Stranger on the third floor (1940).

  • Smaller lights, Better film, Dark nature.

  • Framing, Lighting, Mise-En-Scene

German Expressionism has a very big similarity’s to Film Noir. Scene are usually quite dark and most of the stuff that are lit are important to the scene, before you see a character you see the shadow before you see them. The music also adds tension towards the scene. Anything that is not important is not lit and is shaded in darkness they would use low key lighting.

Deep focus cinematography meaning most things in the shot is always in focus. Wide angles making sure that the scene is being set and is more of emotion in the scene. Complex composition and faming always complex and are always in Urban environments so city’s.

Film Noir always have thing in their Mise-En-Scene and the rooms are full of props. Film Noir usually plays with light and shadow, characters and actions often shown in shadows to create suspense and mystery.

Most Film Noir films have characters that you can recognise and you believe you’ve seen them before. Anti-Hero is a common protagonist in Film Noir; they are opposite to your conventional hero. They work for themselves so they can work alone under their own rules and concur the mystery their own way.

Film Noir came in during Post War America because they had just been to war seen very horrific things and wanted to see more realistic film and not happy always people winning things.

Film Noir Style Picture Created by me in Thoms Lesson

This is my Final edit for The Film Noir 3 minuet video Task


Throughout this project we was asked to create a three minuet short film in the style of Film Noir. We was asked to write a three paged script for the film each page consisting one 1 minuet. Once these script were finalised we had to decide as a group which one we would chose, we chose to use Harry Burfield's script as it just fit the location. Eventually we went out and filmed at Oaklands Park Museum we called in advance was given permission and then filming commenced. When we got to the editing stage the camera had been randomly cutting the scenes we had no idea how, but I went out and filmed some extra footage to get our video to 3 minuets and we have created a monologue to place it into the Noir category.

My feeling towards this task is going to be honest, I was extremely stressed out with the deadline and the lack of footage but I knew what i had to do to get the job done. I know that this is what it is going to be like in the industry and its always going to be stressful which is why this task has improved my confidence and flexibility.

I feel that the team work well together and we created an effective Film Noir Piece. The scene in the old house are really good it gives you a warm setting but as equally sinister approach. The detective walking through the streets and the lighting and the way the shadows create a silhouette is great and I'm not being bias. What I feel needed to be improved is the night club scenes the original audio was awful but we sorted that in the end which ended up becoming a good scene. The shots are too fast meaning they are not Film Noir but i have tried to slow some of it down and it has kind of worked. The last main problem which we resolved is that none of our characters questioned themselves so we created a monologue which will give our main characters a questionable back ground and personality.

I feel that overall we worked well through our tough situation and created an effective piece of film. I felt that the shots are well worked together and the main story line is great Harry is a talented writer and he created a remarkable story with in the time scale.

To be perfectly honest i felt we could have had more of a story backline towards the Nightclub owner and Betty but Harrys a great writer and he done that to add mystery towards their characters so I feel it can be improved and left as well.

I think if we was to do it again I would change the the scenes in the nightclub I want them to be in a more secret location and very mysterious locations as this would add sinister and mystery towards Jack and Betty's characters. Overall that all I would change but I thoroughly enjoyed it all. In the end we only had 2 minuets & 46 seconds which is great but not good enough and if we was to do it again I would defiantly make sure we had enough footage to make the clip work.

My Script (Not the script for the film it was discarded)

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