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COMEDY (Genre Playground) 003

Comedy in films. We use comedy in films to create humour and make ourselves laugh. We do this by usually exaggerating characteristic of people for humours effects and usually end in the film having a happy ending with the exception of black comedy.

Styles of comedy:

Black Comedy - Gore, fast paced and very dark twisted humour this style in the genre would include films like Shaun of the Dead and American Beauty.

Visual Comedy - Comedy that doesn't use dialogue all the time and uses objects and signs to give the audience a visual interpretation this can be seen in films like Shaun of the Dead and The Naked Gun trilogy.

Alternative Comedy - This sub comedy differs from traditional punchline jokes which features forms of comedy such as observational, slapstick and impressional comedy. (Makes jokes more historically correct and aimed at politics and famous people so audience don't feel offended.) This can be seen in films such as Happiness and Youth in Revolt.

Character Comedy - The best example of this style of comedy is MR BEAN. Reason being because this style is based around one Character and there weird personality and characteristics. The writers then amplify there traits to make comedic value which results in MR BEAN. This can be seen in films like Mr Bean's Holiday

Cringe Comedy - This style of comedy is where you use other peoples shame and discomfort to create a joke this then results in cringe comedy funny but bending one's head and body in fear or apprehension or in a servile manner. We see this in programs like The Office (UK version) and The Inbertweeners

Deadpan Comedy - This is where we present comedy witch a basic tone and add no emotion to the jokes what so ever. The jokes aren't funny but we see them as funny because them putting no emotion in the jokes make the joke funny. We see this style in comedians like Steven Wright and Milton Jones.

Satire Comedy - This is a style of comedy that is taking jokes from historical events that maybe be devastating or funny and emphasising there disaster or historical meaning and turing them in to a comedy. Blackadder (BBC) was great at this when they done The Great War and the movie Borat.

Mockumentary Comedy - This is a brilliant style of comedy that turns a made up story in to a documentary for comedic value making people think that is a real story when its entirely made up. Good examples of this would be This is Spinal Tap and HBO's Wimbledon comedy 7 Days in Hell.

Comedy can be tracked back as far as 425BC so it has come along way from then being just stand ups and visual live audience comedy to now being a regular occurrence on the big screen and to our own screens in the living room. Comedy is a big part of our human culture other wise life would be boring with out a good laugh once and a while. With names like Ricky Gervais, Michael Mclntyre and Russell Howard big British Comedians that are extremely funny using there own techniques how isn't comedy awesome.

My Comedy Script


In this task of genre we learnt about comedy. On the 12th of December my group and I was set a task to create a 3 page comedy script. Through out this long hard week I have created a 3 page script researched into comedy as well as filming my video clips for a short film, but sadly my videos and clip wasn't finished in time but I am able to tell you and evaluate my week filming and writing about comedy. Monday 12th I spent my day writing a suitable sitcom script about two brother and love. Once I had finished this script I then started sorting out how I would film and locations. When Wednesday commenced I booked out a camera and tripod to film in the evening, filming went well Its just a massive shame the video wasn't finished in time.

Through out this week I was feeling stressed with deadlines to meet and trying to get another piece to the puzzle finished. Overall I do feel this task was fun to create and to work on. I feel i accomplished some great knowledge of comedy and I feel I can spot the different criteria of sub genres in different comedic films. Lastly I feel I would choose comedy over all the other genres as I believe it is my stronger genre in Film and TV at the moment not to say that when we learn another genre that might be my strongest but so far its the most enjoyable I've done.

Personally I feel that all of my research into comedy was great with all the genres and what they mean in comedy as well as the history and when it originated from. Furthermore what I feel was bad is the script, reason being is there wasn't enough description and I felt that the dialogue was jumpy changing topic.

From this situation I can gather that my group and I worked to the best of our ability. We worked well as a team and contributed to the script and the visionary out look of the filming but overall we made a good team.

I feel given enough time I could have recovered all of the file and created the video. This may have given me more backing for my work and shown how good I preformed on the practical basics. Furthermore, I believe I could have delved deeper into research allowing for a more back able piece of work.

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