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Gender Theory

Gender rocks hollywood mainly dominated by men and women only in around 14% of films every year. Gender is a big debate in Hollywood calls for women to be equally paid and have equal starting roles as men but so far not a lot has happened.

"By default the camera takes the point of view of a hetrosexual male" or this can be known as the "Male Gaze"

If the camera treated the male lead in the same way as a women what would the difference be? Well it would be more comedic and funny as men aren't used to seeing the camera used like that. This would make the male character more funny because this use of the camera isn't used on men and that what Hollywood has always been.

We watched the Fast Five Trailer the first male are seen with a SHOTGUN and overly AGGRESSIVE. The first females seen in the trailer are wearing BIKINIS and are scared. No Female lead characters are featured in the trailer but all of the Male leads are included.

Alison Bechdel Theory Test

1 - Two named female characters

2 - Have a conversation

3 - Thats not about a man

This theory is used to break down a film and any mainstream Hollywood film can be easily discarded because of this theory. Fast Five doesn't have any female leads in the trailer which means that out. Love Actually is out as they are all having a conversation about men.

Which one of these is true and false.

1 - Female stars in Hollywood earns 20% less than males stars earn

2 - Megan Fox had to audition for Transformers not acting a scene but washing Micael Bay's Car.

3 - Maggie Gyllenhall was refused an audition at 38 to play opposite a 55 years old because see was "TOO OLD".

The wrong answer is Female stars earning 20% because apparently thats too generous they actually earn only 30% less than there male counterparts.

Lastly the only female director to win an Oscar is Kathryn Bigelow. I think this is a disgrace only one female director has won an oscar that is absurd. There maybe not a lot of high profile female directors, but the industry needs to change as female need more recognition for there roles.

Theoretically in the film industry this is how it has always been. Most male leads who have a love interest in a film are usually around 5 to 10 even 20 years younger that the male lead. If you look at most films made through the 50's to the 2000's this is a regular occurrence and it has become too much like this that its hard to switch to a new method, so who knows how longs its going to be before we change the industry. Its not just Harrison Ford its also Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks but they are a lot more interesting.

With Tom Cruise's chart his first films was him being involve with older women because his films were about him falling in love with teachers and women in professional Jobs while he was in college or school. This was probably because Tom Cruise is a very good looking man and his being young a very attractive would attract the older women because of spontaneity and enthusiasm but hi maturity from a young age.

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