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Linear and Non Linear Editing and Three Editing Points on Premiere Pro

The Basic editing on premiere pro, is importing the video clips by moving them into a document. Once you have done this you then highlight the clips and drag them into Premiere pro. Secondly once you've done this you'll want to create a composition, we do this by dragging your first clip into the timeline. When this has been completed you can start editing the clips into the ways you feel is best, and we do this using Linear and Non Linear editing methods. (Definitions can be seen below).

Linear - "Linear video editing is a video editing post-production process of selecting, arranging and modifying images and sound in a predetermined, ordered sequence. Regardless of whether it was captured by a video camera, tapeless camcorder, or recorded in a television studio on a video tape recorder the content must be accessed sequentially. For the most part video editing software has replaced linear editing."

Non Linear - "is a form of audio, video or image editing where the original content is not modified in the course of editing – instead the edits themselves are specified and modified by specialized software. A pointer-based playlist – effectively an edit decision list (EDL) – for video or a directed acyclic graph for still images is used to keep track of edits. Each time the edited audio, video, or image is rendered, played back, or accessed, it is reconstructed from the original source and the specified editing steps. Although this process is more computationally intensive than directly modifying the original content, changing the edits themselves can be almost instantaneous, and it prevents further generation loss as the audio, video, or image is edited."

Editing on Premiere Pro is made easy by their simplistic layout and tools programmed into the software. Its a great software for people to make Shot films, Music Videos and visual effects.

First Editing Tool (The Razor)

The Razor is used to cut clips into small segments. This tool helps you cut out outstanding time in the clip and to get rid of any unwanted scene and footage that ruins the clip. It also enables the clips to move freely much or easily and slot into gaps.

Seconding Editing Tool (Audio Transitions)

The Audio Transition effects are used to give the audio a bit of control. For Example Exponential Fade is used to fade the clip out into darkness. Also Constant Gain is so when you cut the audio to fit the clip you can give the audio a constant flow so it doesn't ruin the piece of music.

Third Editing Tool (Audio EQ)

This tool can be used to die down the background noise and also gain more for the volume. You do this by changing the decibels and this gives the audio more power. But beware don't make the decibels to high as it can crack the speakers breaking then and damage the eardrums.

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