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Research: Comparison of Sound Editing & Sound Mixing

Best Sound Mixing Film in the last 5 years: Whiplash (2014)

Sound Mixing: This is when a person or a machine combines sound for a Song, Broadcast or movie soundtrack. Sound mixing is also the process of combining one or more sounds together to create more channels. This can be changing the volume of the source , dynamics and panoramic positioning of the sound heard. We can also use it to add effects such as reverberation and echo to create effect to the sound, this is practiced for music, film and live sound. This style of sound recognises the best or most harmonious sound recording.

Best sound Editing Film in the last 5 years: James Bond Skyfall (2012)

Sound Editing: This is where an individual who selects mixes dialogue, music and types of sound effects during making of CD’s, TV broadcast, games and movies. Also audio sections can be deleted and mixed, and the pitch of the audio can be changed and modified. Sound editing helps exhibit the best and most aesthetic sound design.

Sound Editing refers to the the making of every sound element,except music, included in the film. This will include sound effects, all ADR and dialogue recorded on the set of the TV show Film or Music Video, As well as many other things like Sound Tracks etc. Sound Mixing is when, all of the sounds are mixed together making sure they all correspond to their scene, as well as being in time with the scene.

Think of it like a singer, the singer is singing the song making the beat, and then the music producer says 'more backing singers or more drums' thats the role of a sound mixer, its basically like conducting an orchestra.

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